The latest release of Rover ERP is now publicly available. To view all changes in this specific release, click the Release Notes button below.

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Web Client v1.0.34

New Features

Rover Web

  • Point of Sale
    • Partial Shipment Option, enabled using MRK.CONTROL, which includes: Partial Ship Option
    • New Ship Options Screen with PO Origination capabilities. POS Ship Form
    • Shipment Address updates, allows for selection of a shipping address for each partial shipment. POS Ship Address Form
    • “On the Fly” Customer Creation from the POS Customer Search. Enable using MRK.CONTROL

      Enabling this feature also enables the addition of the selected sales rep on an order to the Customer Record if none exist POS On the Fly Customer Creation

    • Customer Search via Phone Number
    • Open Order Total Display on each invoice line Source Order Total
    • Optional Credit Memo Application to Order. Enable using MRK.CONTROL
    • Mixed User/Register Mode. Enable using MRK.CONTROL

      Note: Currently only supported by select ERPs.

    • Payment Overage checkbox can be hidden

      Note: Currently only supported by select ERPs, requires Register Mode.

    • Payment Overage can now have a default value

      Note: Currently only supported by select ERPs, requires Register Mode.

    • New category filter using tree-based selection. Select the ‘POS Show Category Filter’ option in MRK.CONTROL POS Category Filter
    • Ability to show keyword search in parts table. Select the ‘POS Show Keyword Search’ option in MRK.CONTROL
    • Cost column has been added to the cart view. Enable using MRK.CONTROL
    • Select Sales Rep during Order Creation. Enable using MRK.CONTROL
    • Creating orders now navigates to the orders tab to finalize shipping. To change the navigation to the order confirmation page select the ‘POS Show Confirmation Page’ option in MRK.CONTROL
  • Accounting
    • A new GL Card which allows viewing, interfacing, and posting Registers and GL Transactions Accounting GL Card
    • An Invoice Date column has been added to the Accounts Receivable Data Table, and the Customer Name column has been moved to the first column of the table Accounting AR Table
  • Invoices
    • The Invoices page will be deprecated in 1.0.35 now that the Accounting page is available.
  • Customers
    • KPI cards added under general tab with navigation and additional information for Invoices, Tickets and Orders KPI Card

Bug Fixes

  • Point of Sale
    • Voided Transaction Receipt now accurately reflects the Void transaction, instead of the original transaction.
    • Updating an Invoice Amount will now clear all Tenders and reset the overage default
    • Cash Drawer Pop Error Resolved
    • Fixed issue with ACH payment options missing.
  • Inventory
    • Updated inventory to include Plan Group, Shortages, and Allocated amounts.
  • Accounting
    • Fixed an issue with select drill downs from the AR KPI
  • Fix added to not allow multiple updates by disabling button

Rover Desktop v1.7.5

Bug Fixes


  • Addresses issues with certain forms containing nested grids when the form is resized.
  • Addresses issues with certain required field validation failing to be enforced.
  • Addresses issues with paste of value into datepicker controls failing.
  • Addresses issues with combobox options not being properly populated when forms containing grids are resized.
  • Addresses issues with focus being set incorrectly on certain forms after changes are filed.
  • Addresses issues with monospaced dialogs using an incorrect font.


  • Addresses issue with menu items failing to load when the associated menu record does not define an icon.


  • Addresses issues with CloseCall property on forms not being persisted during build.
  • Default table sorting updated to descending date order for improved organization.