Implementation Overview

Making Your Transition to Rover ERP Effortless


At Rover, we pride ourselves on delivering an ERP solution that truly meets the unique needs of your business, whether you’re a large corporation or a small manufacturing unit. With flexible, budget-friendly options and an emphasis on ROI, we make the process of ERP implementation straightforward and efficient.


Expect a complete implementation in as little as 90 days but not longer than 120 days from contract signing to go-live. Our speed of execution means you can start benefiting from your investment as quickly as possible. While the timeline may vary depending on specific circumstances like holidays or team availability, our goal is always to maximize efficiency without compromising quality.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Initial Setup (Budget-Friendly)

Whether you opt for a cloud-based system or host Rover on your server, our tiered pricing models make it accessible for operations of all sizes. You’ll enjoy seamless access to your data either way.


Step 2: Data Conversion (ROI Focused)

We begin by converting your key business files—parts, BOMs, customers, and vendors—so that you can start seeing operational efficiencies almost immediately.


Step 3: Decision Making & Fine-tuning (Adaptability)

Our platform is designed to scale with your needs. During the training modules, we make decisions about how Rover will adapt to your business, fine-tuning as we go along.


Step 4: Employee Training (Personalized Support)

Concurrently with data conversion, we kick off specialized training modules. No dedicated IT staff? No problem. Our support team provides one-on-one guidance to ensure smooth sailing.

  • Duration: Each module’s training lasts between 2 to 4 hours.
  • Flexibility: We schedule training to minimize disruptions to your daily operations.
  • Familiarity: Since your data has been converted, employees are trained on your parts and process.


Step 5: Pilot Testing (Speed of Execution)

We conduct rigorous pilot testing to ensure everything is perfect. Our efficient process aims to get you up and running as soon as possible.


Step 6: Final Validation

After ensuring everyone is comfortable, we finalize data conversions and you’re ready for go-live!

Training Options

  • Remote: Live training sessions are primarily conducted on Teams.
  • On-site: On-site training is available upon request.
  • Recorded: We offer recorded trainings for review, covering up to 80% of what you need for your specific implementation.

Quick to Implement, Quick to Benefit

Our focus on speed of execution ensures that you will start reaping the benefits of your Rover ERP system as soon as possible, making your investment worthwhile from day one.

For those with smaller teams or no dedicated IT staff, our personalized support ensures that you are never alone in the process.


Our hands-on approach ensures that Rover becomes an integrated part of your business operations, not just another software package. With our guided implementation process tailored to businesses of all sizes, your team will gain the confidence and skills needed to maximize the benefits of Rover ERP.

Are you ready to revolutionize your business operations and boost your efficiency?

Rover ERP is here to make your transition seamless and rewarding.

For a personalized discussion on how Rover can meet your business needs, contact us today. We’re excited to partner with you for success!